
photo by Ron Nicolaysen
photo by Ron Nicolaysen

Maho Ogawa 水素co.  / Choreographer, Multidisciplinary Artist 


Maho Ogawa is a New York based multidisciplinary movement artist who uses body movement, text instructions, and computer software to discover how relationships and the environment affect individual bodies consciously and subconsciously. Originally from Japan with a background of ballet, traditional Japanese dance, and Butoh, she relocated to the U.S. in 2011. Her works span from choreography, video, installation, mural, community gathering, to an online movement lexicon, Minimum Movement Catalog.


Her works have been shown in Asia at Korea & Japan Dance Festival (Seoul), Za Koenji (Tokyo), Whenever Wherever Dance Festival (Tokyo), Tokyo Culture Creation Project (Tokyo), Akiyoshidai International Art Village (Yamaguchi), and at various NY/NJ venues including Princeton University, JACK, Invisible Dog Art Center, Movement Research at the Judson Church, Center for Performance Research, Domestic Performance Agency, Dixon Place, Abrons Art Center, WhiteBox Gallery, NYU Grey Art Gallery, Snug Harbor Cultural Center, and Emily Harvey Foundation. Ogawa received art grants from Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant and creation supports at LMCC, Culture Push, Emily Harvey Foundation, LEIMAY Fellowship, LiftOff at New Dance Alliance.  As a performer she has worked for Athena Kokoronis, Mina Nishimura, Andrea Haenggi, Clarinda Mac Low, Ursula Eagly, and Abigail Levine's works. I.G.@suisomaho X@mahodance_bklyn



小川まほ / 振付家・多ジャンル協働アプローチ型アーティスト 




バレエ、舞踏、日本舞踊、即興を学んだ後、東京(座・高円寺、Whenever Wherever Dance Festival、Tokyo Culture Creation Project )韓国 (Korea & Japan Dance Festival)、ニューヨーク&NJ では (Princeton University, JACK, Center for Performance Research, Movement Research at the Judson Church, Domestic Performance Agency, Dixon Place, WhiteBox Gallery, NYU Grey Art Gallery, Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Invisible Dog Art Center, Emily Harvey Foundation) などで作品を発表。アートレジデンシープログラムではNYのLift Off、 LMCC、Leimay Fellowship、 Emily Harvey Foundation、 Culture Pushなどからサポート、Foundation for Contemporary Arts、 Abrons Arts Center、Arts Council Tokyo などより助成を受けて創作を行う。


ダンス作品の芸術性と同等に、ダンスと社会との関わり方に興味を持ち、2年間に渡るシリーズ公演(Homage to [a] Life 2008~2010)や、小学校やカフェでの創作ワークショップ([桃が丘小学校GRID])、サイトスペシフィックダンス(アサヒアートスクエア[GRID on GRID 2011])、身体の動きに反応するKINECTという器具を使ってのJohn Jannoneさんとのコラボレーション振り付け作品 ’Minimum Movement Database', 自分の振付カタログを作る為のビデオ文章ダンス作品 ‘Minimum Movement Catalog’  、岸井大輔さんとのコラボレーション企画:人間のふるまいをテーマにしたw.s. 作品「23世紀のふるまい」(カンパニーふるまい:としまアートステーション構想)、小津安二郎の映画中の動きをNYのパフォーマーに振り付けるビデオ作品[Prosthetic Gestures from the nation called Japan]、観客も巻き込んで参加型茶道のパフォーマンスを行う作品[Japanese Gesture Archive-Tea  Ceremony] など、劇場内にとどまらずに、ウェブアプリケーション、アーカイブ作品、ビデオ作品、振付ツールの制作、参加型インスタレーションなどでダンス表現を拡張中。イベントオーガナイザー・キュレーターとして、ダンスイベント [東京ダンスカフェ]を今までに3回開催。パフォーマーとしては、日本では日本舞踊 坂東扇菊先生、NYではアシーナ・ココロニスさん,西村未奈さん、アンドレア・ハエンギさん、クラリンダ・マックロウさん、アースラ・エイグリー、アビゲイル・レヴィーンさんなどのダンスアーティストの、NYの実験的なパフォーマンススペース(ダンスペースプロジェクト、キッチン、LMCCガバナーズアイランド、イッシュープロジェクトルーム、アブロンズアートセンター etc)でのパフォーマンスに参加。ダンスワークショップやムーブメントクラスをN.Y.と東京で開催中。ニューヨーク市立ブルックリン大学大学院パフォーマンスインタラクティブメディアアート科修士課程修了。2023はNYカルチャープッシュという団体のアソシエイトアーティストとして茶道をテーマにソーシャルエンゲージドパフォーマンスを制作中。

I.G.@suisomaho Twitter@mahodance_bklyn



Minimum Movement Catalogwebsite 



Japanese Gesture Archive  






Movement Archive:

2021 Minimum Movement Catalog 

2020 Japanese Gesture Archive


Guest Editor for Web Magazine:

2024 "a place where individuals become a whole - Japanese Tea and Everybody's Rituals" at Culture Push online magazine PUSH/PULL no.20  


Video Works:

2022 Minimum Movement Catalog combination 1~4 

2022 Minimum Movement Catalog - immersive


Performances of choreographies :

2023 'Candies, zen garden, and we're thinking rocks."

~金平糖、禅寺、考えることと石になること at Movement Research at the Judson Church, NY

2023 's-silence' at Abrons Arts Center, NY

2022 'Japanese Gesture Archive - Tea Ceremony' at The Invisible Dog Art Center, NY

2022 'Japanese Gesture Archive' at Emily Harvey Foundation, NY

2021 'Minimum Movement Dialogue #1' at Umwelt Gallery, live-streamed from NY

2020 'Minimum Movement Catalog #15' at WhiteBox Harlem, NY

2019 'Minimum Movement Catalog #14' at Lift Off Residency, NY 

2018 'Minimum Movement Catalog #13' at Movement Research at the Judson Church, NY 

2017 'Minimum Movement Catalog #12 Graphics' at Dixon Place,  NY

2017 'Minimum Movement Catalog #10' at Center for Performance Research, NY 

2016 'The Way of Drinking Hot Water' at Domestic Performance Agency, NY  

2015 'For A New World To Come' at New York University Grey Art Gallery, NY

2015 ’Minimum Movement Catalog #7' at Center for Performance Research,NY

2014 'Minimum Movement Catalog #3' at the wild project, NY 

2013 Toshima no Furumai としまのふるまい 東京都文化発信プロジェクト, Tokyo

2013 'Minimum Movement Catalog #3'  Leimey Cave, Brooklyn, NY,  

2010&2011&2013 'Grid with fingers and arms' at  Whenever Wherever Dance Festival, Tokyo

2010 'Grid' at Za Koenji, Tokyo

2007 'Melt' at the Korea & Japan Dance Festival, Seoul


Exhibition : 

2024 Japanese Tea and Ritual Room - 卯月 Uzuki (April) at JACK, NY

2023 Choreographic Score Mural at The Movement-Image, curated by Colleen  

           Asper, at Hagan Gallery at Princeton University, NJ

2023 Japanese Tea and Ritual Room at Show Don't Tell Symposium produced by

          Culture Push, at CPR, NY

2022 Minimum Movement Catalog, Women on MAKING, curated by Masa

          Hosojima, WhiteBox, NY

2022 Minimum Movement Catalog-solo exhibition, Umwelt gallery,  NY

2020 Minimum Movement Catalog, EXODUS V:Aesthetics in the Political

         curated by Kyoko Sato, WhiteBox Harlem, NY 

2020 Prosthetic Gestures from the nation called Japan, 'Traces of Life' 

         curated by Fang Yu Liu and Kathie Halfin, The Hive Art Community, NY


Commission / Grant / Residency / Fellowship Programs : 

2024 Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant

2024 Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Rehearsal Week

2023 Princeton University - Movement-Image Exhibition and Performance Series 

2023 Culture Push - Associated Artist 

2023 Akiyoshidai International Art Village - Yamanami Dance Week, Yamaguchi,


2022 Invisible Dog Art Center, NY - Nafas 

2022 Emily Harvey Foundation, NY 

2019 New Dance Alliance, NY - LiftOff residency program

2016 Domestic Performance Agency,Residency, NY  

2013 Tokyo Creation Project  - Residency, Tokyo 

2013 LEIMAY - Fellowship, 


Performer credit : 

2021 Ursula Eagly 'The Nature of Physical Reality' at Abrons Arts Center, NY

2021 Clarinda Mac Low 'Sunk Shore' at Flushing Creek, NY 

2021 Andrea Haenggi 'Estuarial Council of the Weeds Hand Roll' at Governors

         Island, NY

2020 Abigail Levine / Alvin Lucier 'Orpheus Variations' at Issue Project Room, NY

2019 Abigail Levine 'Restagings No.3:Fall(C.A.)' at Fridman Gallery, NY

2018 Abigail Levine 'Restagings No.2:Of Serra (to movement)' at Fridman Gallery,


2018 Athena Kokoronis 'Domestic Performance Agency' at the Kitchen, NY

2018 Mina Nishimura at Danspace Project, NY  



2022 Dafna Naphtali at Women on MAKING

2021 Elliott Sharp, Matt Sullivan, Beatrice Antonie Martino, at 'From the viewpoint of


2021 Katherine Y. Chuang for the web-application 'Minimum Movement Catalog'



MFA in Performance and Interactive Media Arts from Brooklyn College, NY

BA in Representational Studies from Wako University, Tokyo Japan