homework 4 - [肩のほぐし]~shoulder release~


テニスボールを背骨と右の肩甲骨(背中の上の方にある天使の羽のような骨です)の間に挟み少しプレッシャーを加えます(写真左: ちょっと壁に背中を押し付ける感じでgood) 。







-target muscles : 大菱形筋 Rhomboid major、棘下筋 infraspinatus 


homework 3 - [Pelvic Clock]

[ Neutral Position]                         [後傾 Posterior tilt Position]         [advanced ex with unstable ball]



Neutral position と後傾positionの行ったり来たりを5~10sets行います。

Laying on your back with a rolled yoga mat, blanket, soft ball (Over Ball), or back of your hands under your sacrum,

bend your knees and rock your pelvis from ‘Neutral Position’ : pelvis is parallel to the floor (left) to ‘Posterior Tilt’ : pelvis is tilting posteriorly towards your face (center) .

Repeat for 5 - 10 sets.




Keep Posterior Tilt by pulling your navel into your spine for 5 seconds then move your pelvis back to Neutral Position to activate your Transversus Abdominals.

For advanced movers, do the same pelvis movement while floating both legs to the ceiling. Trying not to move your legs closer to your belly when you tilt your pelvis into Posterior Tilt is the key to activating the target abdominal muscles. 


Pelvic Clockとは、骨盤時計の意味で、骨盤を時計の文字盤(お臍が12時・恥骨が6時)とイメージすると、Neutralが骨盤を6時の方向・後傾が骨盤を12時の方向へかたむけるという意味でつけられました。


The name ‘Pelvic Clock’ comes from the image of your pelvis as a clock, your navel points to 12 o’clock and your pubic bone points to 6 o’clock. This rocking between Neutral Position and Posterior Tilt is ‘ Pelvic Clock 6 to 12 Movement.’ You can see Pelvic Clock 6 o’clock as Neutral Position and Pelvic Clock 12 o’clock as Posterior Position.


-Target Muscles : 骨盤底筋群 Pelvic Floor Muscles,  腹横筋Transversus Abdominis


-Purposes : maintain Pelvic alignment, tone lower belly abdominals


homework 2- [首をストレッチするcurl up]                                                            ~Curl Up with stretching the back of your neck~




Start lying on the floor. Placing your hands at the base of your skull, lengthen your cervical spine back and up, curl slowly, the crown of your head facing toward the ceiling. Try not to lift your head but lengthen backward to make a cervical curl.

Execute while exhaling. 



-5sets / day 

-Target muscles : 脊柱起立筋 Erector Spinae, 腹横筋Transversus Abdominis

-目的 : 背骨のアライメントを整える、背骨によって肋骨が動くので、肋骨に付随する腹筋を引き締める

-Purposes : Tone Erector Spinae, Tone Abdominals connected to the ribs 


homework 1-[お尻のマッサージごろごろ] ~ Gluteus Massages ~

スタジオの小さいorange ballもしくは硬式テニス用ボールなどをお尻の片方のほっぺたの下に置き、重心をそのボールに傾けお尻のほっぺた全体を縦・横・サークルにマッサージします。写真のように乗せたお尻の方の足を4の字にひっかけるとより深い筋肉がマッサージされます。

Sit with your knees bent and feet planted on the floor in front of you, support your self with your arms behind you. Sit on one tennis ball under one butt cheek and roll back and forth, side to side, or in a small circle. You can cross your legs into figure 4 as shown in the picture to the left. Cross the same leg as the side you are rolling for more intense massage. 


-Target muscles :お尻の筋肉 : 大臀筋Gluteus Maximus, 中臀筋Gluteus medius, 小殿筋Gluteus minimus, 梨状筋piriformis, 


-Purposes : preventing lower back pain, Sciatica, swelling of the legs